Project 2

Grayson Phillips
4 min readMar 22, 2021


When I was brainstorming on what “lesser-known experiences” I personally go through, I couldn’t really think of much. I am not a super interesting person, most things I do are normal or if they aren’t, it’s not super complex and advanced. So I turned to my friends and asked them what I could do, and the top 2 things I heard were “How to have a perfect late night drive” because I do tend to go on late night drives very frequently and between my friends and I it’s our favorite thing to do regardless of the time it is. The other thing they had offered was “appreciating the little things” because I have always been one to appreciate things that most people do not even notice. I am working on myself as a human being every single day, and it’s that kind of mindset that helps me.

For the perfect late night drive idea, I would probably talk about the perfect playlist, ideal weather, getting lost with no destinations, and just like little things that could really make the experience that much better (aka going to waffle house at 4 am).

For the other idea, I would probably just think of things that I attempt to do every day that makes me appreciate everything more, such as falling in love with every person you meet (not in a weird way, just kind of loving people more than hating people), and other things like that.

I’m not sure if these are solid ideas, so if they are not I have a few backups!

Project 2 — thumbnail sketches

These are my 15 thumbnail sketches for desktop, tablet, phone. I was originally going to do either how to appreciate the little things or the perfect late night drive, but I’m not too sure how I would execute those ideas so I resorted to one of my other ideas: crystal wrapping. This is something I like to do in my free time, and I don’t see many others doing it so I thought this could be interesting. I wish I could brainstorm better ideas, and I truly hope to succeed at this project. Similar to many students, I am definitely having a hard time with classes currently because of the work load, stress, and lack of breaks, so I’m really hoping to not disappoint with this attempt.

Project 2

persona for prototypes

Web Flow

Tasks: Can you find the search engine?

Is it easy to get to the steps page?

Did you get to the navigation page where the three pages are shown to choose from?

Style Tiles


Development plan

Subpage Mockup

Subpage Mockups



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