Practicum: Ansumana Komba Gbembo
Branding Process
Ansumana Komba Gbembo
Goal: Create a brand identity for Ansumana Komba Gbembo Tailoring including logo and collateral.
Once we found out who the team was, Ashton, Cerri, Brayon, Dakota, and me… the next step was to do some research on Ansumana. This step was a little difficult because Ansumana’s tailoring business does not have much information out there, but alas we persisted!
Style Scape
The team chose to each make a style scape, in which Ansumana would pick his favorite for us to use as a blueprint for the rest of the semester. This turned into us blending all of our ideas together into a whole separate style scape, which was really great being able to see all of our ideas at work together.
Logo: Beginning Sketches
Then we began the process for logo ideation. Starting this project was very difficult as I haven’t designed anything for months, so I had a little trouble jumping right into this. I also had ideas in my head that I could not physically get onto the paper. This project was a whole new experience for me design-wise (and more), so it was a little frustrating not being able to visually show what ideas I had in my ole noggin.
Digitalized Logo Iterations
After a lot of hardwork and iterations throughout the team, we decided that this would be the final logo for Ansumana’s brand. Similar to the style scape, we blended some of our ideas together to create a final piece. A custom made type was made by Ashton and Dakota for this logo.
Table Tents
The last step, I designed a few table tents for Ansumana to use to advertise his business at events such as festivals.
Revisions Pt 2
The End!
Black Monarch
Team: Chester, Alex, Shelby, Brayon, Me, Ian
Black Monarch is high end, sophisticated, sustainable furniture created by Armando Reyes. The goal was to add onto his brand by creating business cards, motion designs, instagram posts, gift cards, facebook headers, pull banners, and a style guide. The first step was to research and then create a style scape.
Business Cards
The next step was the team dividing into two sections where half of us would create motion designs and the other half would create business cards.
Digital Cards
Gift Cards
Social Media Posts
This was a wonderful experience to have and I am so grateful for both of my teams, the clients, my classmates, and Mom (Cass) and Dad (Scott) that made this opportunity so amazing :D small shoutout to Cass and Scott for being the best mentors out there. We as designers grow every day and improve every day and that’s a big thank you to some amazing professors that we’re blessed with!