

Topic: My topic for this project will be a portfolio for myself.


Persona for website

Information Architecture:

For my portfolio website I will be including the home page, and the three subpages: about, portfolio, and resume pages. The home page will consist of a logo, the statement/tagline, and a subtle navigation that will occur on each page to navigate through the website. The about me page will have a statement explaining who I am, what I do, what my goals are, etc. and will also contain the contact info. The portfolio pages will be works of art that I have completed through the past few years such as typography projects, graphic design, and personal pieces I’ve created outside of classes. Then the final subpage will be my resume.


Style Tiles

Style Tiles for P3
ipad, phone, web

Homepage Revisions

ipad, phone, web

Subpage Mockups

ipad, iphone, web

Development Plan

homepage, subpage



Responses (1)