
Grayson Phillips
3 min readOct 27, 2021


Motion Narrative: Ideation:


  • Housing (Price rocketing, why it is so hard for millenials/gen z to afford housing and schooling)
  • Climate Change (the risks for all living life, the damage that’s been done, what can be done to reverse it)
  • Student Loan Scheme
  • The effects of stress among college students

Big Idea

I want to create this infographic for people who are looking to buy their first home, or just for whoever wants to learn more about why purchasing their first home is so expensive. I want to give a little history lesson on how much home prices have risen throughout the years, I personally hear about how cheap it was when my grandma got her first house or what it was like when my mom got her first apartment with my dad and it’s drastically different now in 2021. The “big idea” I suppose is to show the difference in buying a house 10-20-30 years ago, and buying a house now, and why it’s so different. Some reasons may be the minimum wage or annual pay generally, supply and demand, and more. At the end I would like to include some kind of information that will ease the stress that comes along with buying a house.

Narrative Script:

“Why is it so hard to save money and buy your first house?

Well, as SLH’s data shows, housing prices have gone way up. In 1960, the median home value in the U.S. was $11,900, which is the equivalent of around $98,000 in today’s dollars, and in 2000, SLH notes, it rose to over $170,000. And it has only kept rising. As of April 2018, the median home value has ballooned to over $210,200, according to Zillow. Adjusting for inflation, that’s a 114 percent increase since 1960. The cost of higher education has grown at an astonishing rate as well. Attending a public university in 1987 cost around $1,490 per year, the equivalent of $3,190 in today’s dollars, Student Loan Hero reports, citing data from College Board. For the 2017–2018 school year, students forked over an average of $9,970 in tuition and fees. That’s an increase of 212 percent. To attend a private university, students paid an average of $7,050 in 1987, or $15,160 in today’s dollars. In 2017–2018, that price had grown to $34,740, an increase of 129 percent.”

I am probably going to mess with the script a bit more, add more statistics and arrange the information.

Style Tiles


I’m having some technical difficulties with AE and the media encoder. So I am posting this for now, to show that I do have it done it’s just not working :(

Music Choice


Story Board

2 Seconds



Ex 5







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