Blog 7
- I learned a lot this semester, regardless of how frustrating it may be sometimes! I think it was only frustrating because everything we went over this semester, was completely new to me. So I definitely learned a lot! HTML, CSS, Website designing, prototypes, wire development, everything was new to me. Compared to how stressed I was about the content when the first semester started to now, where I feel a little more confident is incredible. The last project I flew through a lot quicker than any of my other projects! I think in the beginning with HTML and CSS (ESPECIALLY CSS) was the most challenging for me, but after getting familiar with these I don’t think it’s as challenging as it was before. I definitely could have done more practicing on my own outside of class.
2. I don’t think any of the content was easiest to learn. I feel like the way we went about things with how much time we had on the projects or how less was pretty adequate.
3. I don’t think anything should be taken out entirely. I know everyone isn’t super excited about dreamweaver, but I feel like it was essential to learn before webflow.
4. Like I said in the second question, I feel like the timing for webflow was good. At that point, we were all pretty familiar with dreamweaver and how to operate it. Webflow is definitely a lot more convenient, but if you don’t have an understanding of HTML/CSS properties then it will be a bit confusing. I think the timing for the transition of dreamweaver into webflow was fine! I think if we had started it sooner, I personally wouldn’t have enough of a grasp on dreamweaver to start something new.