Blog 2
Ze Frank’s ted talk and this is a web page was very interesting to watch/read! At first, while watching the ted talk I had a little bit of a hard time allowing my attention to be fully engaged, but I think that’s just a personal issue. As the video continued, I had wished it was longer. By the end, it made me realize how sweet humans can be. Something so simple such as a song made with 30–40 voices made my heart so full. There’s so much negativity in the world now, I often forget what it feels like to be connected again. I wasn’t involved in the making of the song itself, but just knowing the context and hearing the song made me feel connected and tranquil. I read the web page directly after I finished the video, and I still felt humble and calm after. The video made me feel connected, united, tranquil. However, the web page made me have an appreciation for every little thing that exists. Everything starts off so simply, with no design. The beginning foundation looks like nothing until you add some pizzazz, then it has the ability to create and stir emotion, send a message, it can do anything you want it to do. I’m not sure why I feel so humbled and joyful because of these, but basically these two sources really made me feel some type of way!
“More now than ever we are using virtual spaces to connect. Envision and describe an experience that doesn’t yet exist (that you know of) that would improve upon the experience of human connection. Provide a description of the user’s experience using this new virtual space.” The first thing I thought of was this show on Netflix called black mirror, which is basically a show that examines modern society with regard to new advanced technologies. I am obsessed with the show, it’s really interesting to think about these scenarios because even though it’s a show, it isn’t completely off the charts. Anyways, I thought about the episode San Junipero. It’s a wonderful episode, definitely check it out if you haven’t, but in the episode these people have a little device that’s like connected to their brains and their physical bodies are old but they’re able to escape what seems like a different universe or dimension. Interact with people you may know, get to know, it’s like temporarily leaving to live as a young person again and experience new things again. My description doesn’t give the episode justice, but I feel like human beings would definitely be able to create something like that in the future. Maybe not in the near future, but I don’t think it would be completely impossible to create. I think this could improve some type of human connection, like social media, it seemed whack at the time of creation but ultimately unites people all over the world. I do believe if this were to be realistic, there’d be a good chance that something bad would happen, but I genuinely believe some good experiences could come out of it!